Estate Planning

Empower Individuals to Write Their Next Chapter
Your support provides the tools and services needed to help our clients live productive, law-abiding lives. For some, the cost of a pair of work boots, or transportation to and from work until the first paycheck is received, can prevent them from accepting a job offer sooner.
Please consider making a gift by bequest to ensure the means to continue our mission and fulfill our vision for the future. Your gift will allow you to leave your legacy with our organization while helping Connections Work improve more lives in our community.
You may also specify how you would like Connections Work to use your gift, which will enable you to support a program or service that is important to you.
Here Are Some Ways That You Can Leave a Planned or Deferred Gift.
Name Connections Work as a charitable beneficiary of your will, trust, Donor Advised Fund (DAF), or transfer on death account (bank account, mutual funds, investment account). You may select a specific dollar amount or you can name a percentage of your estate. In addition, you can specify how you want this funding to be earmarked (unrestricted, scholarships, etc.) through a special Letter of Intent.
Name Connections Work as a charitable beneficiary of a life insurance policy. We accept gifts of new and existing whole life insurance (no term or non-dividend policies). You, as the donor, designate the Foundation as the sole owner and irrevocable beneficiary.
Create a charitable trust Connections Work as a beneficiary.
Name Connections Work as a charitable beneficiary of a retirement account (IRA, 401k).
Establish a charitable gift annuity. A donor who is 70 years old or older may irrevocably transfer assets to the foundation (a specific sum of cash or publicly traded securities held long-term) that are valued at a minimum of $20,000. The Foundation will then pay you (and/or another beneficiary) a guaranteed fixed annual payment, paid quarterly, for the lives of the individuals named in the gift annuity agreement. This is usually seen as a “win-win” scenario, because the donor will continue to receive income, and the residual gift will benefit FSW.
Do you have a private family foundation? Are your giving goals directed toward human services? You may wish to establish guidelines for Trustees/Directors of your own foundation to continue beyond your lifetime, an annual gift to Connections Work.

​Below is Sample Language that you can Easily Incorporate in Your Will or Trust Documents.
“I give and bequeath to Connections Work, a non-profit organization established in 1975 as the “Berks County Prison Society” and having its principal office at 19 N. 6th St., 4th Floor, Reading, PA 19601, in Berks County, PA …”
(To give a percentage of the estate) _______ percent of my estate to be used by Connections Work for its general purposes.
(To make a cash bequest) the sum of $_________ to be used by Connections Work for its general purposes.
(To give a residual amount or remaining interest) the rest, residue and remainder of my estate after all debts, expenses and taxes have been paid and all the general and specific bequests have been made, to be used by Connections Work for its general purposes.
(To give a tangible asset or property) _______ shares of common stock of __________ (or insert here a description of other property) owned by me at my death as these shares shall exist at the date of my death, to be used by Connections Work for its general purposes.

Letter Of Intent
When you provide Connections Work with information regarding your bequest, such as the bequest amount and designation, you will be recognized for your gift. You will also receive special invitations to agency events. If you are comfortable doing so, we hope you will share your intentions with Connections Work by using the LETTER OF INTENT so that your generosity and support may be appropriately honored during your lifetime.​

Legal advice is essential when drafting a will. Because a will reflects your deepest wishes, it should be carefully constructed to accomplish exactly what you desire to happen with your assets. Your estate attorney, tax attorney, CPA, or financial advisor can help you determine if any of these options will be a good fit for your overall financial plan. Our staff at Connections Work can also help you determine how your gift will have the greatest impact on the mission of Connections Work and, ultimately, our greater community good.

Still have questions?
Contact Connections Work Development Office
at 484-260-3860 extension 3043, or email Development@connectionswork.org.