Our Team
Co-Executive Directors
Peggy Kershner
Nikki Schnovel
Leadership Team
Christine Guistwite, Director of Programming CGuistwite@ConnectionsWork.org
Jason Mensch, Director of Programming JMensch@ConnectionsWork.org
Jessica Nunez, Leadership Support JNunez@ConnectionsWork.org
Brandon Sands, Forensic Diversion Director BSands@ConnectionsWork.org
Patty Bell, SHRM-CP, HR Director PBell@ConnectionsWork.org​​
​​​Denise Myer, Finance Manager DMyer@ConnectionsWork.org​
Chad Moyer, Program Manager CMoyer@ConnectionsWork.org
Amanda Deiser, Lead Case Manager
Michelle Little, Lead Case Manager MLittle@ConnectionsWork.org​​​
Team Members
B Avalos
London Barber
Josie Basile
Keith Belles
Kristy Belschwinder
Amber Boyer
Erin Brown
Aaliyah Charlot
Jackie Checo
Taylor Cipolla
Erin Delson
Kathy Galtere​​
Maria Gonzalez Lara
​Hali Griffith
Mike Keiser
Eamon Kenny
Stephanie Martinez Valle
Elith Moscoso
Desiree Negron
Amy Nichol
Olivia Palm
Casey Schmidt
Selena Slimmer
Kathleen Stone
Lori Stoudt
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors of Connections Work represents a broad cross-section of the community and provides the organization with a wide variety of skills and expertise. These elected community volunteers donate their time to govern the policies and finances of the organization. The Board provides organizational and fiscal oversight and guidance and works with the professional staff to ensure adherence to and direction of Connections Work's mission.
Thomas Rentschler, Esq.
Alexia Pursley, Treasurer​​
Abhi Amatya
Joe O'Neill
Karissa Rodriguez, Esq.
Yamil Sanchez Rivera Ed. D.
Larry Snow
Leonette Stocker
Ronald Velez