Mother's/Father's Voice

We Need You
The Mother's/Father's Voice Program allows incarcerated mothers and fathers of young children to record a story on a video. The child receives the video and book as a gift from their parent. The child can then watch the video of his/her parent reading while following along in the book. Birthday and holiday cards may also be included to celebrate milestones in their child's life. This provides a sense of closeness between the parent and the child that would otherwise not be possible and promotes the importance of reading. Volunteers are vital to this program's success!
Commitment: Volunteers sign up for dates in advance; Two volunteers are assigned to each session; 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM, Friday mornings at the Berks County Jail.
Requirements: Berks County Jail volunteer clearance, Jail orientation and individual training with Connections Work Volunteer Coordinator.
If you are interested in volunteering, contact Development@ConnectionsWork.org.

This miracle is my way of reaching out when all other communication fails.

A Few Mother's/Father's Quotes

Well, I want to start off by saying Mother’s Voice is what I look forward to every Friday. I’m up early doing my hair, so I can read to my babies. Mother’s Voice is the only way my babies can get to see me because my babies are with my mom and sister in New York and my mom can’t make it all the way down here because she’s really sick. My babies love seeing me read to them. The best part of Mother’s Voice is when it’s one of my kids birthday, I get to send them a beautiful card along with the book and video. Last week I read to by baby Jocelyn for her 8th birthday and she loved it and was so happy when she received it. I just want to say thank you so much for allowing us mothers to get the chance to read to our babies. My kids are my world and I don’t want them to think I forgot about them because I’m in prison. Mother’s Voice is the best.

I believe the Father’s Voice program is a really good program for both the children of inmates and the inmate himself. For one, it gives us something to look forward to doing for the kids and remind the kids that daddy is still around. Also, I believe it helps the kids at home struggling with not being able to see daddy or hear their father’s voice daily. The children’s mother can just pop the video in and let the kid read along with daddy to give them that special feeling of their father reading to them. My kids look forward to the books and videos that I have sent home thru the program. Thank you for giving us something special to do for our little ones.

Mother's/Father's Voice Photos